Welcome to the WhiteFire Publishing Scavenger Hunt!
You’ve found stop #5, Debra E. Marvin’s website. If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to go back to stop #1 and collect all the clues in order. Once you have them all, you’ll have uncovered a secret message.
Turn that in at the final stop for a chance to win one of THREE amazing prize packages!
…………………………………..The Hunt begins at Roseanna White’s site
Take your time! You have all weekend to complete the Hunt—entries will be counted until Monday June 26—so have fun reading all the posts along the way and getting to know each author!
Many of the authors are featuring unique giveaways as well, for even more chances to win! EXTRA PRIZES! See mine below!
When you’ve collected all the clues, submit your entry for the grand prizes back at Roseanna White’s blog.
My novella ALARMINGLY CHARMING is part of the AUSTEN IN AUSTIN collection, Volume 1. Here’s the blurb:
As travel companion to her condescending cousin, Philadelphian Kathryn Morton dreamily anticipates a week in the Wild West as the best cure for meekness. After a long rail journey and a steady diet of gothic dime novels, she shivers, despite the Texas heat, at the ghastly tales of the Austin Axe Murderer. Kathryn has little time to fret, given the competing attentions of quiet rancher Harmon Gray and elegant gentleman Jonathan Wellington. With her new-found confidence and her boundless imagination, she sets out to solve the mystery of Hyde Park Cemetery before another student flees Austen Abbey. Only then can she return home to her English-born parents as an independent American woman. A woman in love. But on the stormiest of nights, Kathryn learns that solving the mystery may destroy a future with the man she’s fallen for in a big Texas way.
Here’s the Stop #5 Scoop:
Check out my multiple giveaways. Of course I won’t stop you from ordering my book, AUSTEN IN AUSTIN VOLUME ONE or the single novella ALARMINGLY CHARMING at Amazon
~~~~~Clue to Write Down: YOU’LL~~~~~
Before you go on to the next stop, #6, Dina Sleiman’s Website! , browse my prizes and the Rafflecopter form below! It took me longer to make that rafflecopter than it did to find the right title for my novella!
And now, my giveaways! Look for all five in the Rafflecopter Form!
One Ebook of Alarmingly Charming
One Winner’s Choice of any of my four Ebook Novellas set in Arizona – Why Not? (Why Not is a title, not a comment by the way… Desert Duet, Starlight Serenade, Saguaro Sunset. Not sure which one? Visit my Amazon Author Page to decide! I’d hope you follow me there as well to learn about my new releases!
One Handmade Quilted Table Runner- (It’s the cure for the SummerTime Blues!) Makes a nice table runner or artsy topper for a dresser or hutch, at 11″x 33″.
The Prayers of Jane Austen Gift Book.
One paperback novella — Saguaro Sunset