Bree of Bibliophile Reviews


What piece of advice would you offer authors who are just starting out?

Authors, we know that each book is a piece of you. And with that you are entrusting us, reviewers, with that piece. Take time to have it well edited. We want to enjoy reading your book and not be buggered up with issues overlooked. It is rare that a reviewer will actually review poorly based on edits, but it has happened.  And also, please remember that if we didn’t love your book, that you asked for OUR opinion, not for us to agree 100% with you.

Same for new reviewers–

Reviewers, follow the genres you love and as a dear friend reminded me “swim in your own lane”. It is great to see other blogs but don’t strive to have your blog be like theirs. It needs to fit you!


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Facebook – Bibliophile Reviews

Twitter – BreeReviews

Instagram – Breannagolightly

Website – Bibliophile Reviews


My full interview with Bree is at Inkwell Inspirations